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Writer's pictureAtsuko

An ideal way to end our lives (Not a sad story)

Updated: May 31, 2022

My Dad shared a story about his uncle, who was in his 90s, didn’t follow his doctor’s instructions and ended his life without being hospitalized.

This story might give us an opportunity to think about and improve our quality of life, helping us live our lives to the fullest. So, I would like to share with you what my Dad told me about his uncle.

My Dad said the way his uncle passed away was really ideal.

The uncle was over 90 years old. One day, after he worked in his rice field (Yes, he was still working in the rice field at that age), he didn’t feel well. So, he went to see a doctor. The doctor said he was in a severe condition, so he needed to be hospitalized immediately.

But the uncle said he didn’t want to stay in a hospital. Probably he knew his life didn’t last so long. He said he wanted to go home. So, he didn’t follow the doctor’s advice and went home.

After he went home, he just wanted to drink water but didn’t want to eat anything. So he just drank water. Then after several days, he passed away.

My Dad said the good thing about this story is the uncle ended his life at home. Nowadays, not everybody passes away at home where he or she can relax.

For me, the good thing about this story is the uncle didn’t suffer from sickness for a long time. Nobody likes to stay sick in a hospital.

And he was active and lived his life as usual until his last several days. The uncle was a farmer so he moved his body all of his life. I guess that contributed to his health.

I think his way of ending his life is one of the best.

The question is how we can end our lives like him

The thing is we don’t have the option to choose how we end our lives.

Nonetheless, we can try some things not to be hospitalized for a long time and enjoy our life to the fullest, which are

1. Have a healthy diet

2. Move our body. Train our muscles

3. Use our brain

4. Say good words to yourself

These are exactly the same as the care we take in our daily life.

Thinking about how to end our lives in the best way helps us improve our eating habits, and way of thinking and it gives us the motivation to exercise.

It requires us to act NOW.

Ask yourself if you are eating nutritious & healthy food, if you are moving around enough to keep your legs strong, and if you are using your brain regularly. The more we use our brain, the better it becomes.

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40 views2 comments


May 31, 2022

The uncle had a lot of courage

Jun 06, 2022
Replying to

Yes, exactly. I don't know if I can make the same decision.

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