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Writer's pictureAtsuko

Do you have an uncomfortable physical condition but you don’t know the cause?

If you are experiencing uncomfortable physical conditions, but doctors cannot identify the causes, giving up certain food might help.

I used to be there. I didn’t notice at all that certain food items were not good for me, while I loved the food so much. But giving up the food made me feel better in the end.

The bottom line is we have to find out which food is for us and not for us by ourselves because each person is different.


I used to drink a cup of coffee in the morning. It made me feel awake and more efficient, but I noticed my sleep was not deep.

Giving up caffeine helped me sleep deeper. After I stopped drinking coffee I can sleep better. I found even green tea makes me awake at night, so I don’t drink green tea, even though green tea has a lot of health benefits.

Just after I stopped drinking coffee, I felt sleepy for the first couple of days. But after a while I felt my mind and body were working even better.

And caffeine disrupts our hormone system.

This is what Alisa Vitti, an author of Woman Code, says

“Caffeine hijacks your delicate hormonal wiring and wreaks havoc on your health in significant ways ― from increasing the stress hormone cortisol (especially in women) to fueling the growth of benign breast cysts and increasing the risk of infertility and miscarriage.”

Now I don’t take coffee, black tea nor green tea. But sometimes I miss the coffee taste. Then I take coffee alternatives, such as chicory coffee or decaffeinated coffee instead. But be careful. “decaffeinated” doesn’t mean there is no caffeine. There is caffeine remaining inside actually.

2. Dairy products

Another food I gave up was dairy products. I used to have milk, yogurt, and cheese every day. I loved dairy products and I still love them. But after I got eczema, which made me awake at night, I stopped taking dairy products. I feel better now.

And also my vaginal discharge declined after giving up dairy products.

I was worried about a deficit of calcium after I quit taking dairy products. So I started eating small fish (in the photo).

I use it for miso soup and salad. I sometimes boil vegetables with small fish and soy sauce.

Those are food items I stopped taking and I feel better after stopping. But each person has different food items and this can be found only by you. The point is you have to find them on your own. And it takes at least a few days to see a result. So, experiment! Caffeine and dairy products are common items people find they feel better after giving up. But it can be chocolate like one of my friends.


1. Pick up one item which you want to experiment with, and stop having it for a few days.

2. See how you feel. Journal how you feel.

3. If you need you can switch to alternatives, such as coffee alternatives, coconuts yogurt, etc.

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