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Writer's pictureAtsuko

Benefits of avoiding overeating and how to do

You may have heard the Japanese saying, "Eat up to 80% of your stomach to keep the doctor away." This saying also includes the phrase, “Eating up to 60% keeps illness away.” This age-old wisdom emphasizes the importance of avoiding overeating to maintain good health.

In the 18th century, Japan had a notable figure named Namboku Mizuno (1760-1834), a physiognomist hailing from Osaka in the western part of the country. He was highly regarded as the foremost expert in physiognomy during his era and made a significant statement: "All fortune hinges on food."

People in the Edo period knew benefits of avoiding overeating
People in the Edo period knew benefits of moderate eating

Namboku Mizuno's Life Journey to Find the Mystery of Avoiding Overeating

Born in 1760 in Osaka, Namboku Mizuno faced adversity from a young age when his parents passed away. He was raised by his uncle and aunt but found himself entangled in a reckless lifestyle filled with sake, gambling, and confrontations, eventually leading to his imprisonment at the age of 18. It was during his time behind bars that he became captivated by physiognomy, closely observing the facial features of fellow inmates.

Upon his release, a physiognomist made a grim prediction, stating that Namboku had only one year left to live. The only path to altering this fate was to become a monk. Namboku Mizuno sought refuge in a temple and implored the chief priest to accept him as a monk. The priest, however, set a unique condition: Namboku had to consume nothing but barley and soya beans for an entire year.

He dutifully followed this austere diet and, after a year, returned to the physiognomist. To his astonishment, the deathly cast on his face had vanished. This transformative experience led Namboku to realize the profound connection between food and destiny. He adopted a plain diet for the rest of his life and became an advocate for the importance of consuming less for the sake of one's fortune. His writings on this topic remain influential in Japan to this day.

The Notion of a Modest Diet and Good Fortune

While some may perceive this as superstition, there is a scientific basis to support it. When we consume nourishing food in appropriate quantities, our bodies and minds function optimally, paving the way for good luck.

How to Achieve the 80% Fullness Rule

We can aim for 60%, but we can also take it step by step. Let's begin by aiming for 80%.

1. Assess Your Diet's Balance

Ensure your meals include a mix of vegetables, protein, and carbohydrates. Perfection isn't necessary; aiming for it can be endless. The key is that a balanced diet helps you feel satisfied. For instance, when indulging in potato chips, the absence of essential nutrients can lead to continuous munching without ever feeling full, creating an unending cycle.

2. Mind Your Stomach's Signals

To stop at 80% fullness, you need to recognize when you reach that point. It's that moment when you want just one more bite but should say no. While enjoying conversations with friends and family, remember to pay attention to your body's signals.

By practicing moderation and not overindulging, you'll likely find yourself feeling better. This, in itself, is a promising start on the path to good fortune. Keep up the effort.

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